Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Star Fan Craft

What you will need:
Star template printed on card stock
Craft Stick or tongue depressor
ribbon (not necessary but nice)

One of the many templates out there is here: http://familyfun.go.com/assets/cms/pdf/printables/0406_star_template.pdf

Cut out star, color, put on glue and glitter, and then punch holes in the points on the star and tie a small piece of ribbon on each. I think the picture show you one way of doing it, but you can be creative and do it differently.

Monster Craft

What you'll need:
Play Doh
Pipe cleaners
Googley Eyes
Tooth Picks

I divided up the Play doh so that everyone had some for their monster. Then the kids had the option of how many eyes, tooth picks, and pipe cleaners they used for their monster. The top one is mine and the rest at the bottom are ones done by the kids. Once I started taking pictures of the monsters they all wanted a picture taken of their monster.

Here are some that I liked best:

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Clothes Pin Giraffe

What you will need:
3 clothes pins (for each giraffe)
card stock

Cut an oval with wavy edges and a small rectangle. Put two clothes pins on the bottom and one on the top. You will roll the rectangle into a small scroll of paper and fit it on your top clothes pin. Color an eye and mouth on the head and on the other clothes pin and body color spots like you would see on a giraffe or you could be creative and different.

Not too hard, not too many pieces. I was able to cut out the pieces for a few 6 year old children and they did the rest.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Alphabet Craft


A simple craft is sometimes what is called for.
I needed something for ABC's.
I looked for a great alphabet coloring sheet that I printed on card stalk and then because I have some older kids in my After School Art I had them do it with watercolors. You are looking at the one I did.

Isn't it beautiful?